Two Worlds, One Me

Jake Xu

Slavenka Vukovic-Bryan Season 1 Episode 32

My guest today is a very inspiring young entrepreneur Jake Xu. Jake  joins me to talk about his two worlds - China and England, or more precisely Beijing and Bath.

Jake and his twin brother Shane came to Bath some 22 years ago to study and experience life in Europe.  In our conversation Jake takes us on this journey from his childhood in China to his current life in the UK. We talk about challenges with settling in and how he and his brother overcame them. Along the way we discuss his positive mindset, what home means to him, and we share some important lessons. 

I loved this conversation so much because Jake speaks with such honesty, clarity and humour about what it is like to be an entrepreneur with the positive mindset, a business person  who is driven and always looks for ways to  better himself. Enjoy listening!

If you would like to talk to me about your two worlds, I would love to hear from you. Please feel free to contact me.  My address is

Music thanks to John Bartmann

Thanks for listening!

Music thanks to John Bartmann